You see a man standing in front of you, forget about his personality, what looks should he have to be very attractive to you, give us details, facial features, hair, body, body hair, details!! :)How do you describe beauty, ladies.?
Beauty on the outside means easy on the eyeHow do you describe beauty, ladies.?
muscular, not like huge crazy muscles, just a little, and, well for girls personality is more important, but w/e also i like a little suttble beard sometimes, um, and a great smile, thats very important, and also i love a pretty color in the eyes! like blue, green, hazel ,or brown, ahhaha thats pretty much all the main eye colors anyways. i like blue eyes the best tho
My sister and I listened to a radio show that asked women the ONE thing they would change about their boyfriend/husband's looks, if they could. Now, since all the men were presumably different, running the gammot of looks, we found it VERY TELLING that the one most common wish was that he were...TALLER!!!
my boyfriend is gorgeous to me鈥?/a>
personally i like built men -strong face structure. WHITE TEETH!!!!! nice smile-green gray eyes-taller than me. hair not long. clean shave or 5-a-clock shadow. little almost no body hair. nose not to big. good strong cheek and jaw bones.
- confidence (not to be confused with *********)
- hot smelling cologne
- a little peach fuzz
- dressed well
- good credit ;o)
Its in the eye of the beholder.
This is just my opinion, of course...but I like a tall-ish, slender (not skinny) guy...body style like, say...Matthew Mcconaughey. I also love the looks of Matthew Fox, Barry Pepper and Vince Vaughn.
I'm also a sucker for:
nice teeth/smile
full-ish lips
well-toned arms
sandy blonde to brown hair
very little to no chest or facial hair
No tattoos, although I think a tribal band around a really nice arm is sexy
Confident, great sense of humor and a sense of style
Tall, lean, has strong arms, broad chest, nice teeth, good smile, I HATE baby faces. Deep voice, has a little bit of facial hair, I don't like guys who shave anywhere else except their face to groom themselves and something that makes him look different from the rest. Lately I've been into the blue eye blondes.
Clean cut, well groomed. Nice smile, well dressed, hair short and well taken care of. nice shoes, not to much cologne.
Hes needs to be confident in his posture but not cocky. Curly hair, not too long, maybe a gotee but no beard. Taller and built nicely. Dressed nicely but not all brands.
before i start, i have to be clear about this, I AM NOT RACIST!
anyway, my perfect man would be
his posture to be strong and confident but not cocky,
dark hair,
bulky (by bulky i dont mean bulging biceps i mean defined abs)
big hands (dont know why but i like men with big hands),
to look like he could kick any mans *** but also look beautiful in his own way
to look as if he is able to smother you from behind with his arms if that makes any sense at all!!! lol
but, if i found the guy with the perfect personality, all i would care about is height and biceps lol!
hope i helped hun!x
he has to have pretty eyes and cute smile and his body doesnt have to be ripped as long as your not huge ill be ok but other than that im fine,,also please dont have hair all over your face keep it inline and clean...i also love lips if they look soft ull get more points.
okay, this is totally stereotypical. But probably dark hair, dark blue eyes, muscular body and a confident smile. There I said it but don't hold it against me!
um.. i think guys need to be clean cut with a little stubble:p umm.. he need to be medium height and strong:) and any colour hair preferably straight hah and not tooo much body hair:P
i really like eyes, or the messy hair, yet still looks good kinda look. hair color doesnt really matter. good body is always nice. but honestly, i dont think they have to be that good looking. ive dated guys who werent that cute, but their personality was GREAT. they treated me with a lot of respect still, and were still really good boyfriends. i think beauty lies in the heart.
Women's ideas about beauty varies with each of us. Just like guys have different ideas about beauty for women. We're not shallow just a bit picky...I'm flexible though...Mine is: a cute derriere, hair should be neat and groomed or long and wavy, a slight stubble or clean shaven, no chest hair please--a little is okay, nice eyes, sweet lips, etc. You should also be well dressed too-but sweats and a tee works just fine for me!
It is very difficult to remove personality from looks. What I mean is hairstyle, facial hair, a strong muscular physique or soft muscle tone is all dependent on personality. I personally LOVE strong, masculine mixed with a little metro look. Go look at the Chip and Dale models. There is a reason those guys make a lot of money for women to look at them!
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