Sunday, April 25, 2010

“Beauty makes idiots sad and wise men merry” - Can someone explain this quote to me please?

I don't understand what it means.....“Beauty makes idiots sad and wise men merry” - Can someone explain this quote to me please?
Here's my take on it:

Beauty makes idiots sad because they often are jealous or are heartbroken that it is not something they can have or attain. Wise men are merry because they know TRUE beauty, and they know how to appreciate it and live a beautiful life.“Beauty makes idiots sad and wise men merry” - Can someone explain this quote to me please?
I don't understand it either but here's my take on it:

Idiots when given beauty ends up being exploited because of it thus they become sad. Wise men when given beauty capitalizes it and becomes happy because it serves as a advantage.
Neither do I. But I'll try! I'm cool like that.

Maybe beauty is what makes the idiots idiots? Or beauty is a sad thing to idiots and a happy thing to the wise?

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