Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do the beauty of Yahoo Avatars influence you to give the best answer to another user?

Do you ever see such cute avatars, that you are influenced (or think of a reason to!) give them the best answer?

Or are you a hard core honest freak who always stands by the best thing to do?Do the beauty of Yahoo Avatars influence you to give the best answer to another user?
both ways, but the avatar has to be RRRREEEAAALLLYYY cute then!Do the beauty of Yahoo Avatars influence you to give the best answer to another user?
Well the only way to get best answers is to GIVE BEST ANSWERS!!!! There are a lot of cute avatars out there but who cares. We just want answers to our question. Just think about have you ever said this ';oh their avatars cute';. that would be weird if your attracted to avatars.
no the avatars don't influence me.

I stand by the best thing to do

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