Wednesday, December 30, 2009

When you meet someone new after an hour or so what do you notice first Beauty or Personality?

when you meet someone new beauty (or lack thereof) first, after an hour hopefully you will notice personality, unless you're not paying attention!When you meet someone new after an hour or so what do you notice first Beauty or Personality?
beauty first, but personality matters more.When you meet someone new after an hour or so what do you notice first Beauty or Personality?
After an hour, unless they are EXCEPTIONALLY good looking or ugly, I would notice their personality.
unfortunately beauty first just because it takes longer to get to know what someone is like in terms of personality.

I say unfortunately because I would rather know a nice person than a ...

regardless of how attractive they are.
same as lucy
everyone notices beauty first, it's just a normal human thing.

personality is second, but in the end, personality is what matters.
well probably looks then personality
First? Or after an hour? You sort of contradicted yourself. Personality is always what I pay most attention to when I'm meeting someone. But right off the bat, if it were a guy, I wouldn't give them the time of day if I was physically attracted to him, obviously.
First I notice their eyes, then, after talking to them for an hour, I notice who they really are.
If there beauty is something unique and origional, I'd probably be adoring their looks for an hour. If they were ugly but had an amazing personality, i wouldn't even focuse on the looks of their personality. so, i would remember someone, unless they are uniquly beautiful lookwise, by their personalitys.
Beauty captures the attention, personality captures the heart.
Beauty, personalities can take a while to show the truth to you. But they will!
when I forst meet them, beauty, then personality
That doesn't make sense. Theres two different answers to this.

When you first meet some one, what do you notice - that would be what they look like, it's what you can see before they even open their mouth.

And after an hour, if their personality is great, then I suppose you would notice their personality. (:
beauty is always the first thing someone notices.

that's just human nature. :]

then you get to see their personality.
First its beauty (obvss cos its just human nature)

and then personality if I talk to them properly and get to know them

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